ESB Calculator is a free scientific calculator for Windows.
It allows to use infix notation, brackets, and trigonometric, hyperbolic and logarithmic functions. The program prints the calculations in a virtual paper trail, that can be copied to the clipboard, saved and printed.
ESBCalculator has Prefix function support. This means that you can press the function key before entering the value that you want to calculate, and the program will show you the results once you press the "=" key. But the program will accept another way of entering (value, function key) as well.
You can use the memory of the calculator to put values in it, or recover values from it, to use them in your calculations. The program will show a list with the last ten results that the calculator obtained. You can set the calculator to use as many decimal places as you want. Through the Options menu you can customize the way in which the calculator will show you the results, the program's appearance, which colors will it use and if you want it to display hints or not.